Welcome to Willoughby Public School Parents and Citizens Association Website
Willoughby Public School Parents & Citizens Association is a school-based organisation consisting of parents, teachers and interested citizens. The organisation meets once a term, usually at 7:00pm on the 6th Wednesday of term, in the school hall.
The P&C is established to:
- Promote the interests of our school, by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close co-operation.
- Assist in providing facilities and equipment for our school, and to promote the recreation and welfare of the students at our school.
- Encourage parent and community participation in curriculum and other educational issues in the school.
- Assist and co-operate with teaching staff at public functions associated with the school.
It is the responsibility of our P&C Association to conduct the election of parent representatives for the School Council, and to administer the class parent representative system. Our P&C is an incorporated member of the Federation of P&C Associations, and abides by the rules and guidelines of this body.