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Founded in 2011, the WPS Chess Club is a very active club affiliated to the P&C. We hold professional coaching sessions, with coaches provided by the Sydney Academy of Chess and participate in inter-school competition.

We are open to all WPS students no matter what their Chess playing level – our aim is to promote interest and learning in Chess and related skills such as sportsmanship, strategic decision making and focus.

We encourage everyone involved in Chess Club to adhere to our code of conduct.

For all enquiries, offers of help or for more information, please email us at chess@wpspandc.com.au



Classes are held on the school premises upstairs in the building overlooking the mini oval :



4DIC7QGYHRPlease go to the Sydney Academy of Chess website to register and enter one of the following codes:

Years K-3: Tuesdays enter this code: A2PC4VO215
Note: Kindy students are encouraged to join from term 3.

Years 4-6: Wednesdays enter this code: 4DIC7QGYHR

All payments and rolls are handled by the Sydney Academy of Chess.


Classes are run for one hour on Tuesday (Years K-3) & Wednesday (Years 4-6) mornings before school @ 7:45am.   For all enquiries re attending Chess classes please email chess@wpspandc.com.au


The annual WPS Chess Championship is the culmination of the chess year.

Roll of Honour

2023 - Alastair Kernahan
2022 - Jack Whelan
2021 – Ryan Chen
2020 – Harry Westbrook
2019 – Zac Isterling (Year 6)
2018 – Jayden Woo  (Year 3)
2017 – George Anderson (Year 2)
2016 – Daniel Newman (Year 6)
2015 – Daniel Newman (Year 5)
2014 – Daniel Newman (Year 4)
2013 – Jeremy Bacon (Year 5)
2012 – Daniel Newman (Year 2)
2011 – Aryan Bhatla (Year 5)

WPS also competes in the SAC school challenge and NSW JCL interschool competition.


We are still a young club and need help in many areas. If you can:

  • Join the exec.
  • Help co-ordinate some friendly inter-school games and/or exhibition games on the giant chess board;
  • Help with some of our documents & web-site content (no special web or graphic design skills needed); THEN…

please email the club at chess@wpspandc.com.au


We hope the Chess Club has motivated your child(ren) and you! to learn more about Chess. The following are some ideas on how to progress/support your child’s and your learning:

For those of you with workbooks, please try to go through them. The solutions are at the back, but try and make sure the answers are used for checking AFTER the best attempt has been made to answer the puzzles! There is a beginner and an intermediate workbooks, so if your child has progressed through one, try the other.

For parents who want to catch up and if your child learns audio-visually, try this video series. The link takes you straight to part 3, parts 1 & 2 are about Chess philosophy & history, if you’re interested. Progress through parts 4, 5, etc. The quality is a bit ‘squelchy’, but the video provides texts of the lessons as well (to the right of the screen), for anyone with hearing difficulty.

If you don’t have a Workbook and you want to teach / guide kids to improve, there are websites with handouts / lesson guides. Some we’ve found:


They’re being borrowed almost continually, but try to get one of the Chess books that the WPS library does have. Feel free to donate more. Some titles (not many are in the WPS library …yet) that have been highlighted to us are:

  • 606 puzzles for chess nuts
  • Beginning Chess play
  • Cool Chess
  • Hot Chess
  • Kasparov Chess Challenge
  • The winning way
  • 101 puzzles for beginners
  • Tactical Chess Training
  • Winning Chess move by move

Also have a look at these chess book sites for more info:

Sydney Academy of Chess

Chess Australia


If you’d like to know more about the Chess Club you can contact the committee on chess@wpspandc.com.au

Contact details for the Chess committee  are:

Position Holder Mobile Email
Chess Convenor Paul Relf 0448 483 064 chess@wpspandc.com.au


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