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Connecting with the community

The P&C leads the way to make the WPS community a social, inclusive and vibrant family. For 2024 and beyond, we have formed a new P&C Events Committee under the leadership of our VP Events, to actively organise school and community events to raise funds needed for the improvement of our school and services for our children.

The P&C operates number of social and fundraising events throughout the year such as Mother's Day/ Father's Day Breakfast, New Parents Morning Tea, Teachers Thank You, Family Fun Day and Parent’s Gala among others, to provide a fun way for families to socialise, raise funds and to celebrate as a community.

Working with our school P&C is a great way to connect with other parents, and actively contribute to the school and local community. We are nothing without our volunteers! But how can YOU take part? We encourage all parents to consider volunteering 1-2 hours in the school year. You might like to help our kids with their annual disco's, You could volunteer at the next morning tea, You can play shop at the fete (or a pop-up), take some great photos of our next event, or help set up chairs or better still join the planning team for the next school event!

The WPS School Calendar will continue to remain the most updated source for all your event dates during school terms. Follow WPS P&C on Instagram and Facebook!

For 2024 and beyond, we have formed a core Events Committee that will oversee, provide a sutainable events framework, assure financial accountability and actively fundraise through large events. This group then supports the various stage events that are hosted by specific class groups and clubs as applicable. Please scroll down to review the Events 2024 Calendar that we are so excited to bring you!

We welcome you to reach out to vicepresidentevents@wpspandc.com.au and wpseventscommittee@wpspandc.com.au for all matters related to events at WPS! 

Current Events & Tickets

Scan the above QR code or click here to view and book available Event Tickets.

Events Calendar 2024

Get Involved

Join a P&C AGM and prepare to volunteer

The P&C meetings are held every quarter and are published on the school calendar. Join us for updates from the school, our P&C executive and subcommittees. Bring your ideas, ask questions and help us make some decisions.

Wondering how to prepare to volunteer?

The first step as you consider volunteering at the school is to complete the declaration for child-related workers. This is a legal requirement for all parents who volunteer at the school. As a part of the process, you need to do three things:


A major part of any school P&C is the events and fundraising. We aim to connect the families and local community through events and We link our fundraising to our school’s strategic needs (think new laptops or playground improvements).

Many of our parents connect or catch-up through our events and fundraisers, and make new friends as they give back to the school! Here are a few ways to get involved.

Smaller Events

Our smaller events are generally held on the school grounds, designed to be fun for our kids. Think Disco's, New parents welcome morning tea etc. These are usually planned by a small team of parents from the class years that the events are meant for/ assigned to. These events are facilitated through the Events Framework from the VP Events and coordinated by the class parents and parent volunteers for stage years.

Watch out for Class Rep updates!

Large Events

Taking our organisation skills up a step, our larger events have included a Family Fun Day, Parents night and fundraiser, Election sausage sizzle for the community. We are confident we can take this further with your help such as art fairs, parents mixers, fundraiser luncheon for our chosen cause etc. Do you have ideas that you want to talk to us about? Do you have any past experience that you would like to share?

Please email vicepresidentevents@wpspandc.com.au

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