Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop is open each Wednesday and Friday from 8.30 to 9.30am.
Online shopping is the easiest way to purchase uniform items and is available at: https://wps-uniform-shop.myshopify.com/. Orders will be delivered to classrooms on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Preloved items are available at very reasonable prices at the shop.
Parents/Carers are encouraged to help in the uniform shop to continue this very important service for the students and families. All uniform shop workers are volunteers.
The Uniform Shop is managed by Lynda Morris.
Contact Lynda on uniform@wpspandc.com.au or on mobile 0416 046 181.
Online ordering from the uniform shop is a great way to buy your child’s uniforms. We stock all new items online. Please visit our online store to place your order and always include your child’s name and class.
DR SHOE – Not currently available in-store
Remember Dr Shoe (aka Max) provides a shoe fitting service at your home. Please check this website and the poster on the shop door for future dates.
Dr Shoe makes visits to the school to professionally fit your child for their school and sport shoe needs. See the website for more information about his product range.
Click here for Dr Shoe’s website or view the brochure here:
The Willoughby Public School uniform shop is located down the corridor past the school office, access via Oakville Road. Netball and Band items can be purchased too. Pre-loved items are also available at very reasonable prices.
The uniform shop is a major fundraiser for the school P&C, thanks to the work of a dedicated group of volunteers, an executive committee and the ongoing support of the school community.
If you would like to volunteer to help in the uniform shop, please contact the Uniform Shop Manager, Lynda Morris, whose contact details are below.
The Uniform Shop is managed by Lynda Morris, who can be contacted on uniform@wpspandc.com.au or on mobile 0416 046 181.